In our experience, children learn best when they are having fun. That is what games are for!
Children make the best progress as mathematicians when they regularly repeat skills and practise them until they come embedded. This can be quite a long process sometimes and so using an exciting game or interesting activity to help with their maths can be highly motivating.
Here are some useful websites where you can find some games to help you practise your maths.
We encourage the children to use Times Tables Rockstars as often as they can to improve their speed at recalling their times tables. Maybe they could challenge one of the teachers to a rock slam!
Percentages Decimals and Fractions Number Line Tenths – Free Downloadable Activity Sheets
National Centre for Excellence in the teaching of Maths
Home Learning Maths Guidance For Schools and Parents In Primary Schools
HAMILTON TRUST have created resources for all year groups to help support home learning. They will continue to provide weekly resources to be used for maths and English for the foreseeable future. For details please click HERE
Please find additional maths resources for all year groups that you can use for the first few weeks of the Summer term HERE
Please find a link to access free interactive resources on the ‘Classroom Secrets‘ website by clicking HERE
TheWhite Rose Maths Team have lots of resources set up for you HERE. You can also look up their ‘Problems of the Day‘
Maths Playground : You can access a range of online games for most areas of the maths curriculum using the following website As this is an American website, there are activities separated into grades, so as a reference, Grade 1=Year 2 level, and so on, so Grade 6 is typically Year 7.
Mathletics : Although you have to pay for part of this website, you can download free worksheets, games and activities HERE
AFC Bournemouth have provided these fun worksheets : AFC Bournemouth – Maths Pack