There is a lot of information to consider when deciding which school your child might attend.  One of the areas parents might use is the performance of pupils at key assessment points including at the end of KS2.  At Somerford we are committed to striving for the best progress and achievement for all pupils and our Raising Achievement Plan clearly tackles any areas that need developing.  Our main areas for development this year are:

  • raising achievement in reading across the school
  • further developing the improvements we have seen in maths across the school
  • maintaining our focus on improving attendance for all children
  • further develop our curriculum to meet the needs of all our children
  • maintain high standards of learning behaviours for all children
  • further develop the role of the middle leaders in our school

Click the links on the left hand side of the page to see the data from the summer term 2019 at the key assessment points.

Here is a copy of our most recent Ofsted report, as well the most recent performance tables relating to our school.

Somerford Primary School – Ofsted Report November 2021